Percival Knight: Autor na

Percival Knight
Percival Knight je skúsený obchodník s binárnymi opciami už viac ako desať rokov. Predovšetkým obchoduje 60-sekundové obchody s veľmi vysokou návštevnosťou. Mojou obľúbenou stratégiou je používanie svietnikov a falošných úlomkov.

Nájdete ma aj tu:

In 2015 I started my journey in the financial markets by trading Binary Options on a brokerage platform in London. It was like a dopamine rush to start the first trade and wait for the result. I could not stop to trade and invested a lot of my savings. Gladly, I used a good money management technique so my account balance could not blow up so quickly.

After trying different strategies I started to use only 60-second trade and focused on scalping. My favorite strategy is the fake-breakout strategy with high volume. Before my trading journey, I worked at a business consulting firm and I still do. I trade next to my regular job and on the weekend for some hours.