Andre Witzel: Author on

Andre Witzel
Andre Witzel is a private Trader who provides his expertise online. On he reviews and fact check the content. In 2013 he started to trade Binary Options as a beginner with no clue how it worked. After burning multiple account balances and coachings, he achieved the first profitable months of trading. Today, he share his strategies and expertise by helping beginners.

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On this website (, Andre Witzel presents his personal experience in the retail trading sector of binary options and provides you with professional information on the subject of online trading. He works as a reviewer and fact checker for

Starting as a complete beginner, he tried his hand at short-term day-to-day trades on the stock exchange. Like any newcomer, he lost all of his capital in the beginning. Multiple coaching sessions also turned out to be helpless.

Packed with ambition, he researched the majority of the Internet (English and German) for suitable trading strategies. After more than 5 years of unsuccessful action, he finally managed to make a profit over several months thanks to a sophisticated control system. Successful binary options trading also requires the right trading style. Everyone needs their own trading style. Another trader's copy will not work because your own market experience plays a big role.

After his research, it turned out that there is an overabundance of useless and out-of-the-way information about trading in any area of ​​the market. On this blog, you will only find the information that you really need. In addition to studying “International Economics”, he is active in short-term scalping and long-term investing.