The best indicators for Expert Option trading

The times when a trader has to sit down with a notebook to solve some mathematical calculations are gone. Today, a trader can make the best trading decisions based on technical analysis of the trading indicators. 

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If you just got into online trading, you might have difficulty understanding these trading indicators. You can understand the importance of these trading indicators by knowing that all professional and advanced traders use these indicators to maximize their online earnings. You can use many trading indicators on Expert Option to arrive at your best judgment. 

There is always a first time to do something, and if you wish to begin trading today, you can use these indicators on Expert Option. Let’s have a look at some trading indicators you can use on Expert Option.

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1. Bollinger bands

Doing a technical analysis on a computer is very convenient for traders. If you indulge in mathematical calculations yourself to make a trading forecast, there is a possibility of arriving at wrong predictions

However, using technical indicators like Bollinger bands is the gateway to simplifying the process

Bollinger band indicator

In Bollinger bands, you will find a central line and two other lines on both sides of the chart. Generally, Bollinger bands are a chart indicator and one of the simplest trading indicators.

All advanced traders use this indicator for a quick decision-making process. Even beginners can use Bollinger bands without much hassle because they are easy to use. This indicator uses the moving average principle to let the trader know about the resistance and support levels. 

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If you want to know the price between which your favorite asset will typically trade, you will need this indicator to deliver the most accurate result. 

Bollinger bands are extremely helpful in judging whether the asset is trading within its range. It can help forecast or predict the asset’s price in the long run. If with the help of Bollinger bands, you find an asset continually moving out of the band’s upper parameter, you can consider that asset overbought

Expert Option Bollinger bands

On the other hand, if the trends on the Bollinger band show the asset’s price moving below the lower band, it signals the asset’s underbuying. Bollinger bands are a perfect fit to help you earn by assessing the situation in the market. Once you use this trading indicator for quite some time, you will be able to understand and interpret the trading signals. 

2. Moving average

Moving Average is one of the indicators in Expert Option indicators, and it helps you check the direction of the price trends. The moving average will allow you to set the trading signals. 

If you don’t want short-term price movements to interfere with the trading forecasts, the Moving Average is the indicator you need. The Moving Average will collect data about the asset’s price over some time. Finally, it results after dividing the total by the number of data points used in the assessment. 

Expert Option Moving Average

As a result, this Expert Option indicator will show you a single trend line which will help you decipher the direction of the price. Moving average’s length will conduct a technical analysis based on the data’s length. For example, if you wish to use this indicator to calculate the moving average of an asset for 100 days, this trading indicator will pick up the asset’s closing price for the past hundred days, sum it up, and divide it by 100. 

Since you will be able to see an asset’s price for a couple of days, it will become easy to judge the trend and determine future movements and patterns. 

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3. EMA or exponential moving average

The EMA is another form of moving average that helps determine the asset’s price in the long run. It is just another variation of a simple moving average but is slightly varied. This indicator collects the information on the asset’s recent prices

EMA Expert Option

Combining the exponential moving average with other trading indicators will help you confirm the legitimacy of the market charges.

Using an EMA will let you predict short-term changes in the market. On the other hand, you can determine only long-term price movements with a moving average. 

4. Moving average convergence divergence

This is one of the most loved Expert Option trading indicators. If you don’t know how to judge the bullish signal, you can look at the moving average indicator.

When the slower moving average lags behind the faster-moving average, you can conclude that the market offers a bullish signal

On the contrary, a bearish can get detected when the faster-moving average lags behind the slower moving average

Moving average convergence divergence Expert Option

MACD will combine the two moving averages to find the changes in the trends or the market. It will help you see the resistance and support levels to help you decide whether to buy or sell an asset. 

In layman’s terms, convergence means the convergence of the two moving averages and a decreasing momentum. On the flip side, a divergence signals the diverging of two moving averages and increasing momentum

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5. Relative strength index

RSI is another trading indicator traders use, whether a beginner or advanced. J. Welles Wilder is known as the developer of this indicator. 

This indicator is the best indicator to generate the warning signals and identify the market conditions. It helps a trader make accurate decisions, making it to the list of the best Expert Option indicators. 

Usually, the range of RSI lies between 0 and 100. The ranking of the asset’s price on the RSI will help you understand whether you should buy or sell the asset. 

RSI Expert Option

For example, if the value on RSI is 70 or more, it indicates the overbuying of the asset. On the contrary, you can consider it oversold if its ranking is anywhere around 30 on RSI. 

When RSI signals the overbuying of the asset, you can interpret the maturity of the short-term gains. Contrastingly, short-term declines reach maturity when there is an oversold signal on the RSI. 

The relative strength index trading indicator is one of the Expert Option indicators used by many traders

6. Alligator

Finally, the last indicator on our list for the best Expert Option indicators is the alligator indicator. Traders use this trading indicator globally to arrive at their best judgment after a careful technical analysis

The Alligator indicator deploys the three moving averages to demonstrate its alligator-like properties. Usually, there are two signals that this indicator gives to the trader. These signals include either an ‘open mouth‘ or a ‘sleep‘ indicator. These trading signals tell you when to trade and when to avoid trading. 

Alligator Expert Option

You can use the alligator indicator in Expert Option to eliminate any false signals. If you see an upward trend on the alligator indicator, you can trade your favorite assets. On the contrary, you should engage in buy puts if you see a downward trend on the alligator indicator. 

Indicators helping you make the perfect decision

These six indicators are the best of the Expert Option indicators as they enhance your trading experience by helping you make the perfect decision. Technical analysis is crucial if you wish to make most of your trades a win. In the absence of expert technical analysis, you stand the chance of losing your money trading on Expert Option. 

Trading involves some degree of financial risk, and you should secure yourself by making the right decisions at the right time. Only when you check the trends and news and conduct technical analysis from time to time can you expect to do it.

indicators Expert Option

Once you perform a proper technical analysis, you will not feel nervous while placing your trades on Expert Option. These Expert Option technical indicators will help you boost your confidence while choosing your trading assets. 

You can derive various benefits using the Expert Option indicators. Let us look at these benefits. 

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Benefits of using Expert Option trading indicators

  • These trading indicators drive any complexity in determining the asset’s price movements. 
  • With price move simplifications, a trader will be able to make better trading decisions.
  • You can determine the strengths and weaknesses of the trends using the price indicators. 
  • Technical analysis on a computer is way better than manual analysis
  • You can pair these Expert Option trading indicators with other trading tools to enhance your trading experience. 
  • Identification of the resistance and support levels becomes easy. 
expert option trading


Amid all the chaos in the market and the quickly changing trends, it can become challenging for a trader to decide when to trade an asset. A trader needs to take care of a couple of things before placing any trade. Even after doing so, he still has to pay attention to the price movements to decide whether to hold or sell an asset. 

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All this can become a hassle for the traders, but using the right Expert Option strategies and getting the assistance of the trading indicators, the job simplifies. Using these Expert Option indicators, you will be able to check price movements and trends without any struggle. These indicators will help you conduct a proper technical analysis. When you trade based on this technical analysis, you will witness that most of your decisions are right

Though some loss while trading is inevitable, you can minimize the degree of loss with technical analysis. So, why wait? Use these Expert Option indicators today for profit maximization

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About the author

Marc Van Sittert
Marc Van Sittert is an experienced Binary Options Trader and coach who is originally from South Africa. He started his career in 2014 by trading old-school Binary Options online. His main focus is on short-term contracts with 60-second trades.

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